Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Entry No. 0.5

Since I was a kid I always fancy the smell of air around me at night. It is so fresh and renewing. My mother said it was the smell of Ilang-Ilang, a flower planted just outside our house' gate. She told me that Ilang-ilang only exudes much smell at night. So, I stuck by the thought that Ilang-Ilangs are quite unique  because of that. 

Oh, I really do love that scent!

Few years later, our Ilang-Ilang died. But as wonderful as it may seem, the smell is still roaming around, especially at night when the wind is subtle and steady. So I remained wondering what could that be?

On my way to church, a young child came to me and offered me a string of small, white flowers. Three strings for only twenty pesos. As he relentlessly swayed those flowers at me, I was instantly brought back home. The smell of the wonderful wind as it pass through my nostrils at night! Alas! It was not the Ilang-Ilang, afterall. It was the Sampaguita plant on our neighbor's garden. 

Really a wonderful plant that is so simple, yet so powerful. For me, it is that very characteristic that I loved about that flower. Aside from the smell which enters my nose and 
goes directly to my soul to touch my heart to the very core and bring me back to good memories is its simplicity. It is white and small. It looks so fragile, but no it is not a weakling. It is powerful! Among all the wonderfully colored and designed flowers in the wilderness, it is the Philippine's National Flower. Among all the standouts in field, it is my favorite. It gives me the giggles and the smiles when I am alone with it. It has something extraordinary that no other flower has, which, as cliche as it may sound, words cannot explain what. Well, at least, for me.

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