Friday, March 18, 2016


Chapter 1: 
Metro South

March, 2016, Lipa City - Metro South is the latest town "galaan" for families and barkadahan. It is situated along National Highway just across South Mall. It is a place for people who loves to eat (ahem, including myself!), because the place is packed with food, stalls after stalls. These stalls are not your ordinary carinderia, but they are your palette's food-haven. It is open from late in the afternoon until mid evening.

 If you are the type of person that enjoys some quite eating time, then you may want to visit the place every weekdays because there are less people around. But, if you are the more sociable, interactive-type, then you must see Metro South at its hype during the weekends. 

In honesty, I have not yet tried the food from each stalls. But the two I have been to, I can say, are quite worth the time and effort of going to.

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