Monday, September 12, 2016

Falling Flat

I am filled with a lot of blanks
of what could have been and can never become.
While these fingertips are tapping on these small boxed letters
that finally translate these thoughts to written works,
my heart is still aching with wanting to become something
and my mind has circling dreams of my deepest personal longings.

But… oh, there’s always a but!
Triumph has been a foreign word to me.
I have been defeated many times before
Hear them, look for them and search for them!
Go counterclockwise to the hands of time.
The list is endless; you’ll find them magnificent!
Surely, you’ll envy my clear eyes from tears that drove dusts away.

Let me tell you this,
my story is a space
of what could have been

and what can never become.

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