Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Void

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The greatest sadness is knowing that you can never talk to someone you badly miss. All the what-if's can never be answered no matter how hard you try or deeply wish for. The exchange of words of possibilities all go to that hollow space of never. 

Never knowing; never allowing.

How I pray that you never left this imperfect world. Maybe we could have been something great, or maybe stayed just friends. Who knows? No one, I guess.

We were just taking the baby steps for another long hours of meaningful conversations. Your hello's and my hi's. Your take care's and my good night's. Your talk to you soon? And my yes. All worn out, erased, but left only in MY memory, because you... left me.  You will never come back.

You left me eternally.

I searched through our previous exchanges of words, but they were gone. How can I let it happen? To let you go, and set me free? I do not know when shall I meet you again. My dear, why did you left me hanging here?

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A photo you liked.

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