Monday, September 28, 2015


Entry No. 0.3

With this blog entry, this blog site is now officially a publicly-open personal blog, like a diary left open for everyone's amusement. 
Why, you ask? Well, because, I am one of the many others whose longings, cravings and complaints asks to be heard even by a single person as the one reading this -- you.

I yearn to be understood, just like you do. I want somebody to tell me I am not weird like that or crazy for doing a certain thing. But, most importantly, I yearn to share my experiences to you, no matter how petty or meaningful they are. Because I am hoping that though we are different people, we may still share same emotions that create understanding between us like two people conjoined with a single brain and heart. Meeting you has a reason, I know. You being here is destiny. You won't be here if you don't hear my unspoken words. You are brought here by a force that connects the two of us strongly. Whatever it is, I hope these sewed-together words can be extension of my warmest hugs. These jumble of words may not be perfect, I tell you, but I'll get there... Someday I will.

There is this great writer I so admire. A bit cliché for most of the people I know because he is quite famous in this place I am from. His name is Bob Ong. A writer of some of the Philippines' best-seller books. I do not like him just for his writing style. He has a modern approach to writing and very visual with his justifications of his experiences. I loved him because of how relate-able he is to a lot of people disregarding the age, name, gender, place of birth or work. He speaks the truth to everybody because he talks about not just his experiences but his emotions as well. He has this understanding, perhaps, that the reason why people hold on to memories is not just because they want to relieve that moment, but because more than that they want to feel whatever emotions they felt in that memory. The general public do not really know who he is. No one really discloses his age, gender or work to his followers but, still, people accept that about him and enjoys whatever he gives them. His sincerity with his words are enough to fill in his anonymity. 

Maybe, that is what I also need in my life, a sense of anonymity or mystery. With all of these wonderful platforms surrounding me, I tend to just over pour my thoughts to strangers. Sometimes, there is regret in doing so, but whenever I think about how other people's personal experiences helped me in my everyday life, I have come to embrace the idea that I, too, wanted to share something to people and inspire them through my own experiences. I wanted to be a part of something greater than myself with these small things I do.

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