Friday, September 4, 2015


Entry no. 0.1

As far as I know, I have decided to create a blog so I can have a place to publish some of my creative works that I have compiled for the past years. But it seems like my compilation was not enough to last a lifetime, even so a month! So, I decided to just go with whatever goes in my head and share them to the world, even those peculiar and mindless things about me. It does not even matter because it is very unlikely that people will follow it regularly just to know what is new in it; moreover, what is new about me. So, I'll just be at home like I am in my pajamas.

Anyway, to start of, these are the list of things going through my mind right now:
  • My head really aches (throbbing)
  • I want to finish drinking my chocolate drink while it is still hot. (I have the tendency to wait for my hot drinks to get cold before gulping them up.)
  • I need to change into my pajamas (It is getting late and this part of the world is starting to fall asleep) 
  • I haven't taken my medication yet. 
  • Up until now, I am still at lost to what I will do with my life.
  • I have failed. (I failed not just once, but over and over)
  • Failure is frustrating.
  • How to turn timidity to confidence?
  • I need to sketch more.

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